Full remotE TRAINING
Tailored online training with swing angry
Professional Coaching
Connect with coaches who have developed players at every level of the game.
Personalized Training Plans
Receive a custom training plan that includes drills and exercises designed for your improvement.
Flexible Scheduling
Programs are generated based on how often you want to train, once per week, twice per week, etc.
Video Analysis
Send & Receive video to your coach for weekly review and feedback. Practice video & game video.
Mobile Training App
Our mobile training app contains our entire library of drills and resources as well as content generated by our partner MLB players featuring their favorite drills.
Daily communication with your coach through our messaging/chat feature.
Schedule weekly 30-minute live calls to review training progress.
Remote Services
Baseball & Softball Offers
Swing Analysis services are designed to provide you with detailed insights and expert guidance to enhance your performance. Send footage from your practice sessions and/or games and we will provide a comprehensive review of your technique using frame by frame analysis, annotations, comparisons, and personalized feedback.
Single Lesson
Single lesson services take swing analysis to the next level - think in person lessons but without the travel. We will provide expert analysis of your video footage, illustrate and model specific points, and recommend specific drills and training exercises tailored to your specific needs.
Full Remote Lessons
Full Remote Training is our premier remote training service. It includes an initial consultation and onboarding process. Full remote training is a monthly commitment and includes:
1) Swing Evaluation & Feedback
2) Custom training/drills specific to your needs
3) Daily communication with your coach
4) Live Call (30m) 1x week